The Blast Top

Grit Blasting

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Grit Blasting

Blast top is Specialist in Surface preparation By abrasive blast cleaning and the application of protective coatings. Our primary focus is on the application of protective coating systems that provide excellent corrosion control at the best value.

Ferrous and Non Ferrous Grit Blasting

Surface Preparation is the most important part of any long term high integrity coating system. Selection and use of the correct abrasive is essential in meeting specification requirements and for the longevity of the protective coating system


blast cleaning of Ferrous And non Ferrous substrates

Aluminum Oxide

For Stainless Steels Duplex

Copper slage

blast cleaning of Ferrous substrates

Chilled Iron abrasive

For Carbon Steel


blast cleaning of Ferrous substrates

Media selection is a crucial decision in the engineering of abrasive blasting processes. The different media types have different hardness, shape, and density, and each is available in a wide range of particle sizes. Many times it is necessary for sample processing to take place to lock in the final media type and size. The equipment used to perform the sand blasting process varies through industry; there are hand cabinets, dedicated automatic high production models, and completely robotic systems with closed loop process controls. The type of machine utilized depends on the surface treatment applied as well as the end use of the component.

Traditionally abrasive grit blasting has been considered a “low tech” process, generically called sand blasting. Today, however, abrasive blast cleaning is a vital process used not only to remove rust, but to prepare surfaces for high performance coatings or to treat final products to give them the luster and surface texture desired by the retail consumer.

Metal Service Goals

On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness

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